Mariana Candeia
As a student of Existential-Phenomenological Psychology, Mariana found in Carl Rogers's works the Tendency to Self Actualize: " Individuals have within themselves vast resources for altering their self-concepts, their attitude basic and self-directed behavior, even in the most adverse circumstances". The total empathy with this premise of Person-Centered Approach, the belief in the inherent flow growth, became the guiding of her clinical practice. Formed in 1999 by Federal University of Paraíba, Mariana specializes in Gestalt Therapy focused on "Rescuing the Inner Child" and also in Psychosomatic by the Center of Existential Psychotherapy in Sao Paulo.
After her specialization in Group Dynamics in 2006, Mariana felt a strong impulse to the study of Ecopsychology, thereafter, began a new phase. She began working with groups focusing on development of human values and character and training of leadership in natural environments.
In 2007, by Paula Gama, she had a meeting with Jeff and the Romanowski Method. At that meeting she felt that the method brings a deep existential sense of herself. Mariana believes that the Romanowski Method has a character of transpersonal and ecopsychological, which you can access a level of consciousness that goes beyond the physical, mental or psychological.
The Romanowski Method brings the possibility of a rescue with the Essential, the possibility of an ancestral connection.
In Itatiaia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.